Author: jovifran (Page 1 of 14)


After three years of on-line and hybrid conferences, the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN) came back to an almost 100% in-person conference, held in Bruges (Belgium) with a great success of attendants and top-quality scientific contributions. IDAL member Prof. José D. Martín-Guerrero participated in the conference with the organization of the special session on Quantum Artificial Intelligence and with the presentation of a tutorial on this topic, on top of being part of the scientific committee, as usual. The special session was organized in collaboration with Prof. Lucas Lamata (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), and Thomas Villmann (Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, Saxon Institute for Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Germany).

Dr. Wael El-Deredy gives a talk on Neuroscience

Dr. Wael El-Deredy, Professor of the Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile) gave an interesting talk last December 13th. It covered many different aspects of Neuroscience, from the analysis of brain oscillations and prediction of brain activity based on Markov chains to approaches related to a Bayesian brain, in which decisions (posterior probabilities) are given by the generation of the priors. Dr. El-Deredy gave many details about brain spectra, associated to different areas and tasks, and how they can even be intervened to modify behaviors, enabling patients with certain disorders to carry out activities for which in principle are unable. Happily, Dr. El-Deredy will join IDAL for the next four years as he was awarded with a postdoctoral contract funded by the Valencian Graduate School and Research Network of Artificial Intelligence (ValgrAI,

Óscar J. Pellicer Valero successfully gets his Doctoral Degree

Our dear colleague Oscar J. Pellicer-Valero got his PhD last November 14th, after an outstanding viva of his PhD research entitled “Contributions of biomechanical modeling and machine learning to the automatic registration of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance and Transrectal Echography for prostate brachytherapy”. Oscar started his PhD in late 2018, and since then, has been working very hard on it, with the result of a remarkable thesis that has attracted interest both from the academic and clinical fields. The PhD thesis was presented as a compendium of five relevant publications corresponding with different parts of his research. Special thanks to Dr. Victor González-Pérez (Valencian Institute of Oncology, IVO) and Dr. Sandra Ortega-Martorell (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom) who were the external examiners that were part of the panel, alongside IDAL member Dr. Yolanda Vives-Gilabert.
We wish Oscar the best of lucks in his post-doctoral career; IDAL will always be his home.

Prof. Enrique Solano visits IDAL

Prof. Enrique Solano visited IDAL from 12th to 14th July. Prof. Solano is a renowned contributor in the field of quantum computing, quantum information and quantum technologies. Some of his publications are globally accepted references in the field. He led research groups in different institutions, like Max Planck Institute for Physics, the University of the Basque Country or Shanghai University. He recently set up a startup company named Kipu Quantum ( with the goal of achieving quantum advantage making use of NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) Computing. During his stay, he had scientific discussions about disruptive ideas in the frontiers of Machine Learning and Quantum Computing and gave a presentation on his view to achieve quantum advantage with NISQ approaches.

IDAL to participate in a consortium with FORD and NUTAI for an AI project

The consortium formed by FORD, NUTAI and IDAL-UV has won the project MAPIIA: Advanced Monitoring of Industrial Processes through Artificial Intelligence (Monitorización Avanzada de Procesos Industriales Mediante Inteligencia Artificial)  (Exp. INNEST/2021/362).

The Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (AVI), within the program of the action co-financed by the European Union through the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020 grants to the consortium formed by FORD, NUTAI and IDAL a subsidy to develop the MAPIIA project. This project of Advanced Monitoring of Industrial Processes through Artificial Intelligence (MAPIIA), framed in the Program of Strategic Projects in Cooperation, deals with the creation of a generic and multiplatform cyber-physical prototype digitization system, capable of monitoring and predicting failures in an industrialized environment through the use of advanced artificial intelligence techniques.

This project will enable the digitization of the critical points of a production line through the acquisition, processing and analysis of digitized data obtained from various types of equipment performing very different manufacturing operations. Through the analysis with Machine/Deep Learning and descriptive statistics techniques, valuable information will be extracted that will help, on the one hand, to make intelligent decisions in terms of failure prediction and, on the other hand, to plan work orders to carry out these maintenance tasks. In this way, the system will be able to help decision making to reduce costs in internal maintenance procedures in industrial plants, as well as to optimize the production process and improve the quality of the final product by predicting failures.

This project advances in the line of industrialization 4.0, which both FORD and NUTAI follow in their business strategy of innovation and development. On the other hand, the third partner, IDAL-Universitat de València, will reinforce the support in the Machine/Deep Learning area.

IDAL participates in a research project on AI for industrial processes

IDAL members collaborate on a research project on the topic “advanced monitoring of industrial processes using Artificial Intelligence”, financed by the ERDF funds of the Valencian Community. This project is devoted to the creation of a generic, cross-platform, cyber-physical prototype digitization system capable of monitoring and predicting faults in an industrialized environment using advanced artificial intelligence techniques.

The project started on June 2021 and will finish on June 2023.

New Journal of Physics selects an IDAL paper as one of the best ones published in 2020

The paper entitled ‘Single trajectory characterization via machine learning’  co-authored by IDAL member José D. Martín-Guerrero has been selected by the publisher as one the top five published in 2020 according to its quality, interest awakaned in readers, downloads and citations. The paper proposes a Machine Learning approach to accurately characterize single trajectories in diffusion mechanisms. The research was carried out in collaboration with the Research Institute for Photonic Sciences, ICFO.

IDAL organizes a special issue on “Machine Learning and Physics”

IDAL member Prof. José D. Martín-Guerrero, and Prof. Dr. Lucas Lamata, from Universidad de Sevilla, are Guest Editors of a special issue in the journal Applied Sciences on Machine Learning and Physics. The deadline is 31st October 2021. We are welcoming original research papers, mini-reviews and perspective articles dealing with aspects in the fuzzy border between Physics and Machine Learning, particularly Quantum Machine Learning, Physics-inspired Machine Learning algorithms and applications of classical (and quantum) Machine Learning for different Physics applications. More info at

IDAL organizes a special session at IJCNN 2021

IDAL member Prof. José D. Martín alongside Prof. Paulo J. G. Lisboa from Liverpool John Moores University and Dr. Alfredo Vellido from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya are organizing a special session for the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, to be held virtually from 18th to 22nd July 2021. The title of the special session is “Transparent and Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Health”. The deadline for paper submission is 15th January. More info at

IDAL at ESANN 2020

IDAL was present at the prestigious European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2020). The conference was supposed to be held in April as usual, but due to COVID-19 situation, the conference was postponed to 2nd-4th October, and eventually held online. IDAL made two contributions. José D. Martín-Guerrero organized a special session on Quantum Machine Learning with Prof. Lucas Lamata (University of Seville) and presented a tutoral on that topic. Óscar J. Pellicer-Valero presented one of the results of his PhD, in particular, a novel idea to enhance the resolution of Convolutional Neural Networks with applications to medical image segmentation.
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