Next July 20, the professor of Mathematics of the UAH Sonia Pérez Díaz will give the lecture “Mathematics and Engineering: a holistic approach”, in the Conference Room of the ETSE-UV (Salón Pelechano). Mrs Sonia Pérez has a long experience teaching mathematics in Engineering, and she is a specialist in algebraic geometry applied to engineering.  Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics that combines geometry and algebra to study, for example, the solutions of systems of equations or to understand the geometric structure of sets of points that satisfy these equations. In the context of engineering, algebraic geometry provides tools to describe and manipulate geometric shapes using equations, and therefore has multiple applications including the design and representation of curves and surfaces, the analysis of the behavior of curves and surfaces to the analysis of the behavior of curves and surfaces through asymptotics or asymptotes or the modeling of three-dimensional shapes.

Sonia Pérez Díaz is the first full professor in the Dept. of Physics and Mathematics at the University of Alcalá (2022). She received in 2021 the international prize “lnternational Partnership Award for Scientists of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China)”, which was awarded for the first time to a woman and for the first time in the area of mathematics. With more than 80 publications and 4 scientific books, her participation in more than 20 competitive research projects and her more than 45 participations as speaker or organizer in national and international congresses and conferences. His main works are framed in the contributions obtained in the field of Algebraic Geometry, Symbolic Computation and, in general, in the foundations, algorithms and applications of algebraic curves and surfaces. The results obtained by Pérez Díaz have laid important foundations for numerous applications in the framework, for example, of computer-aided geometric design.