Category: Workshop (Page 2 of 3)
IDAL was represented at the Workshop on Quantum Machine Learning and Biomimetic Quantum Technologies (, held in Bilbao from 19th to 23rd March 2018. José D. Martín-Guerrero, who took part in the organizing and scientific committees of the workshop, gave a keynote talk entitled “Enhancing ML through the synergy of classical and quantum approaches” and participated in the round table “Quantum meets Industry”. Raúl Casaña-Eslava gave a talk about his work on Probabilistic Quantum Clustering. The workshop has attracted more than 100 attendants, being among them the most representative researchers of the world in the field of Quantum Machine Learning. The scientific activity has been hectic during all the week with the presentation of many outstanding works.
Raúl Casaña-Eslava, a former IDAL researcher who is currently carrying out his PhD at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), received the best paper award at the summer school on Machine Learning organized by the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT) of the University Jaume I (Castellón, Spain) and co-sponsored by the Spanish Association of Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI). Raúl presented his recent work on Probabilistic Quantum Clustering, one of the cornerstones of his PhD. The awarded poster was co-authored by two other members of the Department of Applied Mathematics at LJMU and by the IDAL member José D. Martín-Guerrero.
IDAL members José D. Martín and Emilio Soria are involved in the organization of a special session at the 25th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN) that will take place, as traditionally, in Bruges (Belgium) from 26th to 28th April 2017. The topic of the special session is “Randomized Machine Learning approaches: analysis and developments”. More info can be found at The deadline for paper submission is November 19th. We are looking forward to receiving interesting contributions!
IDAL member prof. Emilio Soria presented a invited speak called “Predictive Analytics on Healthcare” during the Second Workshop on the Physics of Cancer. The workshop was organized by the Valencian Institute of Oncology (IVO, Instituto Valenciano de Oncología) and took place on the 17th of May of 2016. The 21st century may be the century where all sciences meet and converge. The fusion of physics, biology, mathematics, engineering, medicine and data science may well be one of the most fruitful ones in the history of humanity, and indeed the most useful one in the fight against cancer. In particular, predictive analytics (PA) uses technology and statistical methods to search through massive amounts of information, analyzing it to predict outcomes for individual patients. Therefore, predictions can range from responses to medications to hospital readmission rates, achieving an improvement on the Healthcare system in different ways.
IDAL members José D. Martín, Marcelino Martínez and Fernado Mateo attended the 24th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2016), that according to more than two decades of tradition was held in Bruges (Belgium), from 27th to 30th April. IDAL presented three works in the conference: “Multi-step strategy for mortality assessment in cardiovascular risk patients with imbalanced data”, “Performance assessment of quantum clustering in non-spherical data distributions”, and “Physics and Machine Learning: Emrging Paradigms”, which actually was the tutorial of a special session with the same name, that was organized by José D. Martín, Alfredo Vellido (Technical University of Catalonia) and Paulo J. G. Lisboa (Liverpool John Moores University). The conference was a success with many works dealing with cutting-edge methods and the hottest current technologies in the field.
The past 12th of April, IDAL organised the event “Big Data and Predictive Analytics: new opportunities for industry and society”, at the School of Engineering. The event was focused on the application of Data Science techniques to real problems. The event was held by several relevant figures of the industry, who exposed to the public their experiences and their vision onto the future of the Big Data topic. The event was sponsored by the consultancy companies TINÁMICA, EVERIS, GMV and CAP GEMINI.
Dr. José D. Martín on behalf of IDAL attended the kick-off meeting of DISMOD, an international consortium involving medical and technological partners, very relevant in their respective fields. The meeting was held in Madrid last March 8th, and as a result of it, DISMOD will make the necessary arrangements to apply for a project whose tempative acronym is AKIPREV. The final result of AKIPREV will be a tool to predict the probability of undergoing Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), thus helping nephrologists in their daily routine since AKI is a very unpredictable injury at present.
As it is traditional, the last week of April, the charming city of Bruges (Belgium) will see another edition of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN). IDAL will participate with three papers and a special session on “Physics and Maching Learning: emerging paradigms”, co-organized by IDAL member José D. Martín. More info at

IDAL member Joan Vila attended the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining that was held in Atlantic City, from November 14th to November 17th. Joan presented the work entitled “Improving mortality prediction in cardiovascular risk patients by balancing classes”, submitted to the Workshp on Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics and Healthcare (DMBIH). The workshop was co-organized by another IDAL member, José D. Martín.