IDAL members were recently visiting Prof. Manuel Domínguez González, from the area of Automatic Control (AAC) of theInstitute of Automatic Control and Manufacturing (IAF), at the University of Leon. In the same visit had a meeting also with Prof. Ignacio Díaz, from the Automatic Area at Univesity of Oviedo. The meeting was about new Machine Learning techniques applied to energetic efficiency.
Category: University (Page 5 of 5)
IDAL collaborated with Universitat’s Programa Conéixer, which started last January 19th. During 21, 22 and 23 of February, the centres and services of Universitat de València have received more than 8,000 students coming from secondary and upper secondary schools. They had a first contact with the Universitat.
The Universitat de València representing IDAL, the Valencian Conselleria de Sanitat and the company Nephrocare E-Services Spain (subsidiary of the German multinational Medical Care) have signed an agreement to develop a computer system which will improve patients’ assistance and diagnosis –especially for those suffering from kidney diseases. This computer system, which will reduce health expenditure at the same time, will include algorithms provided by our institution.
Among other, the following figures have been present in the agreement signing: the Universitat’s Principal, Esteban Morcillo; the Valencian ministers for health and education, Luis Rosado and María José Catalá; the general director on Fresenius Medical Care Spain, Ricardo Arias; the Vice-Principal for Research, Pedro Carrasco; and the Parc Científic’s director, Antonio Raga.
Yu can read the complete news at
IDAL is today at the main page of the University of Valencia. IDAL has developed, using machine learning techniques and intelligent data analysis, a software application which predicts the probability of angina pectoris when patient arrives to Emergency Services at hospital. The application has been validated by the University Clinic Hospital of Valencia, and now it is being used as screening tool to categorize the seriousness of the patient at the emergency desk.
University of Valencia recognizes one more time the research task that IDAL is carrying out by publishing the news on its web page. Several Spanish newspaper have published the news too.
Latest September 29 was held a conference for introducing the microcluster of research in Healthy Living, in the frame of Valencia Campus of Excelence. This microcluster is composed by 5 reserach groups of the University of Valencia and Politechnic University of Valencia. The presentation was hold in the building of Fundacion Bancaja of Valencia, in the center of Valencia.
You can get more information at:
Idal has arrived to its news facilities. IDAL Headquarters are now at the building of the Engineering School. The new building means for IDAL individual offices, a bigger research laboratory, a meeting room and a data center. Besides, plenty of additional facilities are also available for IDAL: meeting rooms, cantin, additional laboratories, etc.
Visitors are welcome to our new building.
IDAL researcher speaking in Spanish for local government TV.
You can se prof. JoseDMartin back when working at computer and prof. R. Magdalena speaking. The sentence was not really as seen on TV, but cut&paste of TV operators have some unforgivable errors.
IDAL is moving out of the Faculty of Physics between the second fortnight of July and the first fortnight of September. After a long (in some cases very long) stay in the Faculty of Physics, IDAL moves to the brand-new School of Engineering with excitement but also with nostalgia of our dear old Faculty. We apologize in advance if during that period, it takes us some extra time to get back to you when contacting us. For the time being, our postal address is still the same. The information will be updated in our website as soon as we finish off our move. We take the chance to wish you an enjoyable summer break.
“Tirant” is one of the top 500 most powerful computers in the world and the seventh largest integrated into the Spanish Supercomputing network. The super computer has the scientific power equivalent of 512 conventional computers. Although its size is not spectacular, the calculations it can perform are immense and now researchers have a tool to work on finding solutions to problems that are impossible calculate with an ordinary computer. The Tirant is installed on the campus of Burjassot, where IDAL is also located, and will be used for the study of proteins, drug design; DNA; climate change and more. General secretary of Science and Technology, Francis Marcellán, explained that the capability of the computer not only offers benefits to the world of science, “but is an investment in society.” The supercomputer installed at the University of Valencia cost 1.2 billion euros.