Category: Project

The consortium formed by FORD, NUTAI and IDAL-UV has won the project MAPIIA: Advanced Monitoring of Industrial Processes through Artificial Intelligence (Monitorización Avanzada de Procesos Industriales Mediante Inteligencia Artificial) (Exp. INNEST/2021/362).
The Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (AVI), within the program of the action co-financed by the European Union through the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020 grants to the consortium formed by FORD, NUTAI and IDAL a subsidy to develop the MAPIIA project. This project of Advanced Monitoring of Industrial Processes through Artificial Intelligence (MAPIIA), framed in the Program of Strategic Projects in Cooperation, deals with the creation of a generic and multiplatform cyber-physical prototype digitization system, capable of monitoring and predicting failures in an industrialized environment through the use of advanced artificial intelligence techniques.
This project will enable the digitization of the critical points of a production line through the acquisition, processing and analysis of digitized data obtained from various types of equipment performing very different manufacturing operations. Through the analysis with Machine/Deep Learning and descriptive statistics techniques, valuable information will be extracted that will help, on the one hand, to make intelligent decisions in terms of failure prediction and, on the other hand, to plan work orders to carry out these maintenance tasks. In this way, the system will be able to help decision making to reduce costs in internal maintenance procedures in industrial plants, as well as to optimize the production process and improve the quality of the final product by predicting failures.
This project advances in the line of industrialization 4.0, which both FORD and NUTAI follow in their business strategy of innovation and development. On the other hand, the third partner, IDAL-Universitat de València, will reinforce the support in the Machine/Deep Learning area.
IDAL members collaborate on a research project on the topic “advanced monitoring of industrial processes using Artificial Intelligence”, financed by the ERDF funds of the Valencian Community. This project is devoted to the creation of a generic, cross-platform, cyber-physical prototype digitization system capable of monitoring and predicting faults in an industrialized environment using advanced artificial intelligence techniques.
The project started on June 2021 and will finish on June 2023.