IDAl has recently collaborated with ExpoScience 2012, a science fair that is yearly hold in the Science Park at the University of Valencia. This year, the new facilities of the Engineering School where IDAL is located have alse held some scientific activities. IDAL stand was about biosignal acquisition and processing, and real-time audio effects, activities closely related to teaching in Electronics Engineering, one of the main teaching tasks of IDAL.
Author: jovifran (Page 9 of 14)
IDAL members were recently visiting Prof. Manuel Domínguez González, from the area of Automatic Control (AAC) of theInstitute of Automatic Control and Manufacturing (IAF), at the University of Leon. In the same visit had a meeting also with Prof. Ignacio Díaz, from the Automatic Area at Univesity of Oviedo. The meeting was about new Machine Learning techniques applied to energetic efficiency.
IDAL collaborated with Universitat’s Programa Conéixer, which started last January 19th. During 21, 22 and 23 of February, the centres and services of Universitat de València have received more than 8,000 students coming from secondary and upper secondary schools. They had a first contact with the Universitat.
Some IDAL members are currently at MAEB 2012, that is being held in Albacete betwwen 8 and 10 February. MAEB is for Metaheuritics and Bioinspired and Evolutive Algorithms, and is the 8th Spanich congress. IDAL contributes with two papers to the congress.
The Universitat de València representing IDAL, the Valencian Conselleria de Sanitat and the company Nephrocare E-Services Spain (subsidiary of the German multinational Medical Care) have signed an agreement to develop a computer system which will improve patients’ assistance and diagnosis –especially for those suffering from kidney diseases. This computer system, which will reduce health expenditure at the same time, will include algorithms provided by our institution.
Among other, the following figures have been present in the agreement signing: the Universitat’s Principal, Esteban Morcillo; the Valencian ministers for health and education, Luis Rosado and María José Catalá; the general director on Fresenius Medical Care Spain, Ricardo Arias; the Vice-Principal for Research, Pedro Carrasco; and the Parc Científic’s director, Antonio Raga.
Yu can read the complete news at
IDAL is today at the main page of the University of Valencia. IDAL has developed, using machine learning techniques and intelligent data analysis, a software application which predicts the probability of angina pectoris when patient arrives to Emergency Services at hospital. The application has been validated by the University Clinic Hospital of Valencia, and now it is being used as screening tool to categorize the seriousness of the patient at the emergency desk.
University of Valencia recognizes one more time the research task that IDAL is carrying out by publishing the news on its web page. Several Spanish newspaper have published the news too.

Intelligent Data Analysis Laboratory members assisted recently at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, which is the premier scientific meeting on Neural Computation. The NIPS Conference, Symposia and Tutorial Program will be held at the Granada Congress and Exhibition Centre in Granada, Spain.
The conference had a very high level of quality of papers, posters and assistant from first-level international institutions and companies, and was really very interesting for IDAL interests.
Rafael Magdalena has became Head of the department of Electronic Engineering at the Universty of Valencia. From November 1st 2011, and dureing three years, our colleague will be the manager of the department, and will be focused in administrative tasks. Another IDAL member, Joan Vila, has joined him as Department secretary.