The past 12th of April, IDAL organised the event “Big Data and Predictive Analytics: new opportunities for industry and society”, at the School of Engineering. The event was focused on the application of Data Science techniques to real problems. The event was held by several relevant figures of the industry, who exposed to the public their experiences and their vision onto the future of the Big Data topic. The event was sponsored by the consultancy companies TINÁMICA, EVERIS, GMV and CAP GEMINI.
Author: jovifran (Page 6 of 14)
Dr. José D. Martín on behalf of IDAL attended the kick-off meeting of DISMOD, an international consortium involving medical and technological partners, very relevant in their respective fields. The meeting was held in Madrid last March 8th, and as a result of it, DISMOD will make the necessary arrangements to apply for a project whose tempative acronym is AKIPREV. The final result of AKIPREV will be a tool to predict the probability of undergoing Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), thus helping nephrologists in their daily routine since AKI is a very unpredictable injury at present.
Today, February the 11th is a celebration day at IDAL. Our beloved Emilio got a Full Professorship at the University of Valencia; the decision was made unanimously by the panel of professors who evaluate his application, after a brilliant presentation of his CV, teaching project (dealing with Signal Processing) and research project (focused on Deep Learning). We all are happy and proud of you Emilio, congrats from your IDAL friends.
From 18th to 20th January 2016, IDAL member José D. Martín visited the research group Quantum Technologies for Information Science (QUTIS). QUTIS is a group led by Prof. Enrique Solano conducting cutting-edge research in the field of Quantum Technologies. During his visit, José D. Martín gave a lecture on Machine Learning and its connections with Quantum Technologies and worked on setting up a research collaboration between the two groups, as hopefully will be the case.
José D. MARTÍN represented IDAL in the Global ImasT event organized by eGauss ( The event took place in the Science Park of the University of Valencia last November 25th; the event is considered the most relevant meeting for technology transfer in Spain since in this third edition, the event has taken place simulatenously in 13 different venues.
As it is traditional, the last week of April, the charming city of Bruges (Belgium) will see another edition of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN). IDAL will participate with three papers and a special session on “Physics and Maching Learning: emerging paradigms”, co-organized by IDAL member José D. Martín. More info at
IDAL member José D. Martín has proposed a special session in the World Congress in Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2016), that will be held in Vancouver (Canada) next July. The special session is entitled “Computational Intelligence in Personal Health”, and has been proposed in collaboration with Professor Paulo Lisboa (Liverpool John Moores University) and Dr. Alfredo Vellido (Technical University of Catalonia); this activity is within th framework of the Task Force on Medical Data Analysis of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Data Mining Technical Committee. More info at

IDAL member Joan Vila attended the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining that was held in Atlantic City, from November 14th to November 17th. Joan presented the work entitled “Improving mortality prediction in cardiovascular risk patients by balancing classes”, submitted to the Workshp on Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics and Healthcare (DMBIH). The workshop was co-organized by another IDAL member, José D. Martín.
IDAL participated actively in the Valencian Summer School on Machine Learning that was held in Valencia during 15th and 16th September 2015. The School was sponsored by the University of Valencia, the Technical University of Valencia, Big ML and Las Naves. Prof. José D. Martín gave a keynote talk entitled “The Future of Machine Learning”, opening the second day of the school.