IDAL is formed by the following group of professors and researchers from the Engineering School at the University of Valencia.

Dr. Martínez-Sober, Marcelino
Full Professor
Marcelino Martinez-Sober received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics in 1992 and 2000 respectively from the Universitat de Valencia (Spain). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Valencia, teaching subjects related to Signal Processing. He has worked on several industrial projects with private companies (in areas such as industrial control, real-time signal processing and digital control and knowledge extracting from databases) and with public funds. His research interests include real time signal processing, biomedical signal processing, and exploratory data analysis, as the first approach for summarizing and visualizing the most important characteristics of a data set.
Email: marcelino.martinez(at)

Dr. Martín-Guerrero, José David
Full Professor
Dr. José D. Martín-Guerrero received a B.Sc degree in Theoretical Physics (1997), a M.Eng. degree in Electronics (1999) and a Ph.D. degree in Machine Learning (2004), all from the University of Valencia, Spain. He is currently a Full Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Valencia. His research interests include Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence, with special emphasis in Reinforcement Learning and Quantum Machine Learning. He is Co-Chair and founder Member of the Medical Data Analysis Task Force (Data Mining Technical Committee, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society). He is also member of the Task Force on Explainable Machine Learning, also belonging to the same committee.
Email: jose.d.martin(at)

Prof. Soria-Olivas, Emilio
Full Professor
Emilio Soria-Olivas received a Ph.D. degree from the Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain, in 1997. He is a Full Professor at the University of València. His research is centered in the application of Advanced Machine Learning Methods to improve decision taking in different scenarios: economic, social, health, etc. Currently he is working on deep learning (representation learning) and automatic machine learning (machine learning without parameters).
Email: emilio.soria(at)

Dr. Vila-Francés, Joan
Associate Professor
Dr. Joan Vila Francés has studied Technical Engineering in Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering, both finished with first class honors, in the University of Valencia (Spain). In 2009 he received a PhD Degree in Electronics Engineering from the same university, where he currently holds a Senior Lecturer position. His teaching is focused on Programmable Digital Systems. He has skills on Industrial Systems, Digital Electronics, Computing, Database Management and Web development.
Email: joan.vila(at)

Dr. Gómez-Sanchis, Juan
Associate Professor
Juan Gómez-Sanchis received a B.Sc. degree in Physics (2000) and a B.Sc. degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Valencia (2003). He joined at the Public Research Institute IVIA in 2004, developing is Ph.D. in hyperspectral computer vision systems applied to the agriculture. He joined to the Department of Electronics Engineering at University of Valencia in 2008, where he currently works as Senior Lecturer in pattern recognition using neural networks.
Email: juan.gomez-sanchis(at)

Dr. Serrano-Lopez, Antonio
Associate Professor
Antonio Serrano received a BS degree in Physics in 1996, a MS degree in Physics in 1998 and a Ph.D. degree in Electronics Engineering in 2002, from the University of Valencia.
He is currently an Associate Professor at the Electronics Engineering Department in this same university. His research interest is machine learning methods for biomedical signal processing. Currently, he teaches courses of analog electronic design and digital signal processing. He is the Principal Investigator of IDAL group.
Email: ajserran(at)

Dr. Magdalena-Benedito, Rafael
Associate Professor
Rafael Magdalena received the M.S. and the PhD. degrees in Physics from the University of Valencia, Spain in 1991 and 2000 respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Valencia since 1995. He has formerly been lecturer with the Politechnic University of Valencia and granted researcher with the Research Association in Optics. He has also previously held industrial positions with several Spanish electromedicine and IT companies. He has conducted research and published in biomedical engineering and telemedicine, and now is working with IDAL in Machine Learning problems. He teaches courses of analog and digital electronic design at the DIE-UV, and in three Master Degrees in University of Valencia and Politechnic University of Valencia.
Email: rafael.magdalena(at)

Dr Vila, José
Associate Professor (Department of Economic Analysis)
Dr. José Vila received a B.Sc degree in Mathematics (1991) and a Ph.D. degree in Economics (1997) from the University of Valencia. He is Research Fellow of ERI-CES (Centre for Research of Social and Economic Behaviour). His research interests include methodological development and application of advanced quantitative methods and behavioural economics to support official statistics, policy-making (public sector) and business decision-making.

Dr. Mateo-Jiménez, Fernando
Assistant Professor
Fernando Mateo obtained a degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 2005, and a PhD in Electronics Engineering from the same University in 2012. At present, he works as a data scientist at the Intelligent Data Analysis Laboratory, University of Valencia. His research focuses on data mining and preprocessing, feature selection, machine learning models both for regression and classification, clustering and time series forecasting.
Email: fernando.mateo(at)

Dr. Vives-Gilabert, Yolanda
Assistant Professor
Dr. Yolanda Vives-Gilabert received a degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 2005 and a Ph.D. degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Rouen, France in 2007. She is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Valencia and a data science researcher at IDAL. Her research interests include classical and quantum machine learning and computational intelligence applied to the analysis and processing of medical signals and images.
Email: yolanda.vives(at)

Dr. Francisco Martínez-Martínez
Postdoc Researcher
Francisco Martínez-Martínez holds a PhD in technologies for health and well-being from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2014). He is currently postdoc research fellow at the IDAL. He was postdoc research fellow at the Center for Machine Perception, Czech Technical University in Prague (2014-2015) and research assistant at Labhuman from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2009-2014). He was visitor research assistant at the Simulation and Modelling in Medicine and Surgery research group, Imperial College of London (2013) and at the the Institute for Mechanical Systems, ETH Zurich (2012). His main interest is the development of new algorithms for data classification, detection and knowledge extraction in many fields.
Email: francisco.martinez-martinez(at)

Dr. Carrasco, Juan José
Post-doc Researcher
Juan José Carrasco Fernández recieved the B.Eng. degree in electronics engineering in telecommunication in 2011 from the University of Valencia, Spain. Currently, he is a M.Eng degree in electronics student and working in the IDAL research group in the same University. His research interest are feature extraction-selection methods and manifolds.
Email: Juan.J.Carrasco(at)

Mr. Harvat, Mykola
Mykola Harvat received a Degree in Telecommunication’s Engineering in Electronic Systems and Telematics(2017) from University of Valencia, Spain. He’s currently studying the Degree in Medicine and the Master of Data Science in University of Valencia. At present, he works as a data scientist at the Intelligent Data Analysis Laboratory focusing his research on Natural Lenguage Processing and Deep Learning.
Email: mykola.harvat(at)

Mr. Garcés Iniesta, Juan José
Juan José Garcés Iniesta has studied Technical Engineering in Telecommunications in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. In 2013 he received a Master degree in Biomedical Engineering from both, Polytechnic University of Valencia and University of Valencia. He has been working in several consulting and biomedical companies. During the last years he has expanded his knowledge in Data Science and he is currently working as a researcher in IDAL group. His research interest are applied machine learning and effective data visualization.
Email: juan.garces(at)

Mr. Pellicer Valero, Óscar
Oscar José Pellicer Valero finished his studies in Industrial Engineering (B. Degree + M. Degree in Industrial Engineering, specialty in automatics) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) in 2018, winning the Extraordinary End of Studies Prize. He has also been simultaneously studying a B. Degree in Computer Science at the National University of Distance Education (UNED) since 2013. However, his greatest field of interest is Data Science and Deep Learning, specially for biomedical applications. He is currently conducting his PhD and researching for Fresenius Medical Care, Inc in that area at the IDAL group at the University of Valencia.
Email: oscar.pellicer(at)

Dr. Martínez-Martínez, José María
Post-doc Collaborator
Dr. José María Martínez-Martínez received a PhD Degree, related to Data Visualization, in January 2014 from the University of Valencia. He also received the B. Eng. degree on Electronic Systems for Telecommunication (2006), the M.Eng degree on Electronics (2009) and the M. degree in Electronic Engineering (2011) , from the University of Valencia (Spain). Currently, he develops his professional activity in Fresenius Medical Care, Inc. His research interest is machine learning methods, data mining and data visualization.
Email: josemmm(at)

Dr. Buendía, Vicente
Post-doc Collaborator
Vicente Buendía-Ramón was born in Valencia, Spain, in 1975. He received a Computer Science Engineer degree (1999) from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, a MS degree in Marketing (2009) from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and a PhD in Machine Learning (2015) from University of Valencia. His research interests include global optimization methods and visualization techniques. He develops his professional activity in EMT Valencia where he is charge of the Department of Software Analysis.
Email: vicente.buendia(at)

Dr. Vergara-Pla, Gonzalo
Post-doc Collaborator
Gonzalo Vergara received his BS degree in Theoretical Physics in 1996 from University of Valencia and his MS degree in Polymer Science in 1998 from University of Zaragoza. He has worked in process optimization at private research centers in France and Spain. He has also been interested in friction of oscillating systems. He has finished his PhD in the SIMD laboratory at i3A research center (University of Castilla-La Mancha), being his interests time series analysis and Bayesian networks.
Email: gonverpla(at)

Mr. Vallés-Pérez, Iván
Iván Vallés-Pérez recieved the B.Eng. degree in electronics engineering in telecommunication in 2013 from the University of Valencia, Spain. Currently, he is working in the IDAL research group in the same University. His research interest are visual data-mining methods and prediction algorithms.

Mr. Chikh, Salim
Pre-doc collaborator
Salim Chikh received his B.S. in Computer Engineering from Universidad Cardenal Herrera Valencia (Spain) in 2017 and his Master degree in Project Management from Univesidad Internacional Valencia (Spain) in 2019. He’s currently studying the Data Analytics Master in EDEM. At the time of writing, he works as a Developer and as a research collaborator with the Intelligent Data Analysis Laboratory. His research is focused on dimensionality reduction algorithms.
Email: chisalim93(at)

Mr. Calvete, Diego
Pre-doc collaborator
Diego Calvete received his B.S. and Master degrees in Industrial Engineering in 2015 and 2017 respectively from the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (Spain). He’s currently studying the Data Analytics Master in EDEM. At present, he works as a Computer Vision Engineer and as a research collaborator with the Intelligent Data Analysis Laboratory. His research is focused on dimensionality reduction algorithms.
Email: diecalsa(at)

Mr. Rodríguez Belenguer, Pablo
Pre-doc collaborator
Pablo Rodríguez Belenguer obtained a degree in Pharmacy from the University of Valencia in 2012. In 2013 he received a Master degree in Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics from the University of Valencia. In 2014 he starts working in the pharmaceutical industry, mainly in the field of Lymphoproliferative Syndromes, first in Janssen-Cilag and in November 2019 he joins to Kite-Pharma (Gilead) with CAR-T cells. In July 2020 he finishes a Master degree in Data Science from MBIT School.
Email: parobe(at)
Former members